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Austin Ringtone

Country ballad with heartfelt lyrics about lost love. Emotive vocals and acoustic guitar create a bittersweet atmosphere. Classic storytelling.

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Austin - Song Lyrics

She left without leavin' a number
Said she needed to clear her mind
He figured she'd gone back to Austin
'Cause she talked about it all the time
It was almost a year before she called him up
Three rin

gs and an answering machine is what she got

If you're callin' 'bout the car I sold it
If this is Tuesday night I'm bowling
If you've got somethin' to sell
You're wastin' your time, I'm not buyin'
If it's anybody else, wait for the tone
You know what to do
And P.S. if this is Austin, I still love you

The telephone fell to the counter
She heard but she couldn't believe
What kind of man would hang on that long?
What kind of love that must be?
She waited three days, and then she tried again
She didn't know what she'd say
But she heard three rings and then

If it's Friday night I'm at the ballgame
And first thing Saturday, if it don't rain
I'm headed out to the lake
And I'll be gone, all weekend long
But I'll call you back when I get home
On Sunday afternoon
And P.S. If this is Austin, I still love you

Well, this time she left her number
But not another word
Then she waited by the phone on Sunday evenin'
And this is what he heard

If you're callin' 'bout my heart
It's still yours
I should've listened to it a little more
Then it wouldn't have taken me so long
To know where I belong
And by the way, boy, this is no machine you're talkin' to
Can't you tell, this is Austin, and I still love you

I still love you
Name: Austin - Blake Shelton
Category: Country
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 25s
File Size: 392.42 KB
Downloads: 3108

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Country Ringtones


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