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Been a Minute Ringtone

Smooth R&B vibes with a catchy beat and soulful vocals. Reflective lyrics about love lost and longing for connection.

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Been a Minute - Song Lyrics

Been a minute since I rolled the windows down
Nowhere to go, nowhere to be, just driving 'round
Been a minute since a wrong turn felt so right
Let the blacktop turn to gravel, let the day turn into ni Read More >>


Looked in my life like it's somebody else
Said there's no better time than the time I've got left

I ain't in no hurry, take the long way home
Free on a highway, high on a song
Let the world stand still, let the time roll on
Yeah, it's been a minute, been a-, been a minute too long

Ooh na-na, ooh, na-na
Ooh na-na
Ooh yeah

Been a minute since her hand surfed in the wind
Now she's making up her own words to her favorite song again
It's been a minute since I let go of everything
And just held onto her hand while she's looking at me saying "yeah"

I ain't in no hurry, take the long way home
Free on a highway, high on a song
Let the world stand still, let the time roll on
Yeah, it's been a minute (been a minute)
Been a minute too long, ohh

Ooh na-na, ooh, na-na
Ooh yeah
Ooh na-na ooh, na-na
Ooh na-na
Ooh yeah

Been a minute since I rolled the windows down
And felt the way I'm feeling now

I ain't in no hurry, take the long way home
Free on a highway, high on a song
Let the world stand still, let the time roll on
Yeah, it's been a minute (been a minute)
It's been a minute too
It's been a minute, been a minute, been a minute too long

Ooh na-na, ooh, na-na
Ooh na-na
Ooh yeah
Ooh na-na ooh, na-na

It's been a minute, been a minute too long
Name: Been a Minute - Hunter Brothers
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.97 KB
Downloads: 90

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