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Cube Land Ringtone

The song, sung by game music composer Laura Shigihara, is loved for its charming melody and heartwarming lyrics, showcasing an imaginative block world.

00:00 / 00:33
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Cube Land - Song Lyrics

I'm in a cube land
I dig with cold hands
I use these tools to try and climb out of this mess I've made

My door is open
Skeletons and zombies
I am broken, as they walk all over me
But if I keep on bui

lding walls, maybe they'll stay away

Think fast, it's got to last if you're gonna make it through the rest of the day
I'm trapped, I can't go back, I've made the choice to stay

And we'll fight... keep defending through the night
(We'll fight the good fight)
Live... we're all driven to survive
(We'll fight the good fight)
I'll keep going, just stay by my side

I'm in a cube land
My castle's so grand
And once I lay these tracks I'll finally make my escape

I am no one
I have no place, no one relates
And there is no sun
As the night covers this space
But I beg you, please please don't let this life go to waste

Think fast, it's got to last if you're gonna make it through the rest of the day
I'm trapped, I can't go back, I've made the choice to stay

And we'll fight... keep defending through the night
(We'll fight the good fight)
Live... we're all driven to survive
(We'll fight the good fight)
I'll keep going, just stay by my side
Name: Cube Land - Laura Shigihara
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 33s
File Size: 517.32 KB
Downloads: 30

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