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Eternal Suffering Ringtone

The song features electronic elements and ethereal vocals, creating a mesmerizing soundscape.

00:00 / 00:32
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Eternal Suffering - Song Lyrics

The good die young, my life eternal
Carved into stone, a legacy of ruin
These evil ways have polluted this earth
Irreversible damage inflicted upon the very ground I walk
Regret carved into my bones

man born into pain
Relentless weaponry will drain the life from this filth called humanity
Pure fury in robes of black
Death's hand is steady on the scalpel

I did not ask to be the reapers hand
Though I stand here with scythe in grip
Immoral demon, internal conflict
Molded by the hands of eternal suffering
Eternal suffering
Molded by the hands of eternal suffering

I'm your creation and I'll be your fucking end
Broken knuckles, torn skin and a crooked grin
This unholy construction one to be feared
Your death inevitable
No place to hide from fear
There is no saving you from the fires of revenge
There is no shelter from the fists of hatred fixed upon this dying world
Violent eyes washed in sheets of blood and horror
Fueled by the scent of burning flesh
No remorse for the guilty or the innocent
Witness eternal suffering
Name: Eternal Suffering - Serrated
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 32s
File Size: 501.4 KB
Downloads: 1

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