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Everything's Beautiful Ringtone

Feel the warmth of a summer breeze with smooth vocals and a dreamy melody, painting a picture of tranquility.

00:00 / 00:27
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Everything's Beautiful - Song Lyrics

When I look out, over a green field of clover
Or watch the sunset, at the end of the day
I get kind of moody, when I see such beauty
Everything's beautiful, in it's own way

I see a fountain, flow fro

m a mountain
Or see April showers, bring flowers to May
I can't help but ponder, life is such a wonder
And everything's beautiful, in it's own way

Words can't describe, what I feel inside
When I see the beauty, in each coming day
What my eyes behold, can't be bought or sold
Everything's beautiful, in it's own way

When I see the clouds, form a black, summer windstorm
That uproots the harvest, and hurls it away
In the midst of such anger, destruction, and danger
The storm's even beautiful, in it's own way

When I see the leaves drop, from off of the treetops
Or see the snowfall, on a cold, winter's day
My thoughts seem to wander, into the blue yonder
God, made all things beautiful, in their own way

Words can't describe, what I feel inside
When I see the beauty, in each coming day
What my eyes behold, can't be bought or sold
Everything's beautiful, in it's own way

In it's own way, in it's own way
Name: Everything's Beautiful - Willie Nelson & Dolly Parton
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 27s
File Size: 423.44 KB
Downloads: 55

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