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Fallen Kingdom Ringtone

Known for its epic arrangement and sad emotion, this epic song tells the story of a crumbling kingdom and heroes.

00:00 / 00:33
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Fallen Kingdom - Song Lyrics

I used to rule the world
Chunks would load when I gave the word
Now every night I go stow away
Hide from the mobs I used to slay

They once were terrified
Every time I looked into their eyes

would cheer my way
For a hero I was, that's what they'd say

One minute we had it all
Next our world began to fall
Away from all that it had once become
They all cried for my help, but I stood there numb

I gaze off into the boundless skyline
Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine
Turn 'round pick up my sword and wield
The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield
And hope one day that this chaos and
Destruction turns for the better
Never a bow in hand
That was when I ruled the land

It was the creepers and Skeletons
Blew down the doors and boxed us in
Arrows whizzing by like streaks of light
I tried all that I could to stay and fight

As the undead roamed the street
Families broken at my feet
Life itself suspended by a thread
Oh, why is it that I wasn't dead

I gaze off into the boundless skyline
Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine
Turn 'round pick up my sword and wield
The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield
If this battle should leave me slain
I know Herobrine will call my name
Better to take a stand
That was when I ruled the land

I gaze off into the boundless skyline
Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine
Turn 'round pick up my sword and wield
The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield
If this battle should leave me slain
I know Herobrine will call my name
Better to take a stand
That was when I ruled the land
Name: Fallen Kingdom - CaptainSparklez & TryHardNinja
Category: Dance
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 33s
File Size: 517.32 KB
Downloads: 487

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Dance Ringtones


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