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Get It Together Ringtone

Smooth, soulful vocals glide over a laid-back, funky beat. Lyrics convey a message of self-empowerment and unity. Catchy chorus.

00:00 / 00:30
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Get It Together - Song Lyrics

I've been hurt so many times
It got to a point
When I decided
I can't do this anymore
I need someone to hold me
I need someone that needs me
I need someone that loves me

You need me to get that

sh- together
So we can get together
You need me to get that sh- together
So we can get together
You need me to (hmm, yeah, yeah)
You need me to, hmm, oh

You know, we don't have to be dramatic
Just romantic
Do all the little things, little things, little things
That excites me
As your woman
Give me a kiss goodnight

Over the phone
When you're working late
When you're out of town
Tell me how much you need this
'Cause we deserve it
We can be together, but

You need me to get that sh- together
So we can get together
You need me to get that sh- together
So we can get together
You need me to (hmm, yeah, yeah)
You need me to (hmm, yeah)
You need me to

Hold on my vibes
Pree more life
Can we all free more life?
Dunno already, cuz?
Name: Get It Together - Drake
Category: Hip Hop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.97 KB
Downloads: 7529

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Hip Hop Ringtones


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