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Government Hooker Ringtone

Sultry electronic beats mixed with provocative lyrics create a seductive and rebellious anthem that demands attention and empowerment.

00:00 / 00:29
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Government Hooker - Song Lyrics

Gaga, ga-ooh-ah
Gaga, ga-ooh-ooh-ooh
(Io ritorne)
(Io ritorne)
(Io ritorne)
Government hooker, eh

I can be good (if you just wanna be bad)
I can be cool (if you just wanna be mad)
I can be anything,

I'll be your everything
Just touch me baby (I don't wanna be sad)

As long as I'm your hooker (back up and turn around)
As long as I'm your hooker (hands on the ground)
As long as I'm your hooker (back up and turn around)
As long as I'm your hooker (get down)

Hooker (yeah, you're my hooker)
Hooker (government hooker)
Hooker (yeah, you're my hooker)
Hooker (government hooker)

I'm gonna drink my tears tonight
I'm gonna drink my tears and cry
'Cause I know you love me, baby
I know you love me, baby

I could be girl (unless you want to be man)
I could be sex (unless you want to hold) hands
I could be anything, I could be everything (iku, iku)
I could be mom (unless you want to be dad)
(Ay, mi papito!)

As long as I'm your hooker (back up and turn around)
As long as I'm your hooker (hands on the ground)
As long as I'm your hooker (back up and turn around)
As long as I'm your hooker (get down)

Hooker (yeah, you're my hooker)
Hooker (government hooker)
Hooker (yeah, you're my hooker)
Hooker (government hooker)

Put your hands on me
John F. Kennedy (ha-ha-ha)
I'll make you squeal, baby
As long as you pay me (aw!)

I'm gonna drink my tears tonight
I'm gonna drink my tears and cry
'Cause I know you love me, baby
I know you love me, baby

Hooker (yeah, you're my hooker)
Hooker (government hooker)
Hooker (yeah, you're my hooker)
Hooker (government hooker)

I could be girl (unless you want to be man)
I could be sex (unless you want to hold hands)
I could be anything, I could be everything
I could be mom (unless you want to be dad)

I wanna f-, government hooker (back up and turn around)
Stop f- me, government hooker (hands on the ground)
I wanna f-, government hooker (back up and turn around)
Stop f- me, government hooker (get down)

Yes (ah-ha-ha-ha)
Name: Government Hooker - Lady Gaga
Category: Pop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 456.19 KB
Downloads: 6

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Pop Ringtones


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