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Irul Thingum Vaanil Ringtone

With its beautiful melody and emotional vocals, this song has become the romantic choice of the year.

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Download free Irul Thingum Vaanil ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Irul Thingum Vaanil ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Irul Thingum Vaanil - Song Lyrics

Mamathala thalli
Odi baahubali
Laalana theli

Yedhalo oka palkadali
Madhanam jarige sthali.
Maahishmathi varakshathrakuli
Jitha kshaathrava bahubali
Saahasa vikrama dheeshali

hra kalaa kushali
Yedhalo oka palkadali
Madhanam jarige sthali.

Vechindha khandinche khadgam
Thosindha chedhinche baanam
Chadarangi aa drudasankalpam
Thaane. Senayi. Thochey.

Thalle thana guruvu dhaivam
Kalla thone sahavaasam
Dhyeyam andhari sankshemam
Raajyam. Raaju. Thaane. Oho.

Shaasana samam
Shivagaami vachanam
Sadasadranarangam illanam
Janani hrudayam

Yedhalo oka palkadali
Madhanam jarige sthali...

Mamatala talli
Odi baahubali
Mamathala tali
Oddi baahubali
Name: Irul Thingum Vaanil - Anirudh Ravichander, Shilpa Rao & Mankombu Gopalakrishnan
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 35s
File Size: 548.34 KB
Downloads: 2

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