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Jennie - You And Me Rap | Bgm Ringtone

Jennie - You And Me Rap | Bgm MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

00:00 / 00:18
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Download free Jennie - You And Me Rap | Bgm ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Jennie - You And Me Rap | Bgm ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Jennie - You And Me Rap | Bgm - Song Lyrics

Nain tere chain mere lu:de rehn rakaane
Jithe dekha tu hi dis je bhukekhe pain rakaane
Nain tere chain mere lu:de rehn rakaane
Jithe dekha tu hi dis je bhukekhe pain rakaane
Sath tera mangda ni
Gall k

rno sangda ni
Gali teri langda ni
Jhootha jea khangda ni
Gabhru tere piche karda kaare ni
Dekhi kite laavi laare ni
Gwaah ne chan te taare ni
Hunda na sehn rakaane
Nain tere chain mere lu:de rehn rakaane
Jithe dekha tu hi dis je bhukekhe pain rakaane
Nain tere chain mere lu:de rehn rakaane
Jithe dekha tu hi dis je bhukekhe pain rakaane
Akhiyan naal keh gyi ae
Rooh kadd ke le gyi ae
Tu Zehn ch beh gyi ae
Oh Aafat pe gyi ae billo
Hassde ta dil jea khirrda ni
Lekhe jind laun nu firrda ni
Tere lyi bde hi chiirda ni
Rehnda bechain rkaane
Nain tere chain mere lu:de rehn rakaane
Jithe dekha tu hi dis je bhukekhe pain rakaane
Nain tere chain mere lu:de rehn rakaane
Jithe dekha tu hi dis je bhukekhe pain rakaane
Name: Jennie - You And Me Rap | Bgm - Shubh
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 18s
File Size: 287.19 KB
Downloads: 2

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