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Just Like A Movie Ringtone

A dreamy, nostalgic melody filled with bittersweet lyrics of love and loss, transporting listeners to a cinematic love story.

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Just Like A Movie - Song Lyrics

Well, I don't know how anyone could wait
The weekend's up, they're trying to relate
Pointless conversations with people we don't know
If you agree then I think it's time to go

I'm freaking out as peo

ple start to stare
Can't get away from this song anywhere
Can you hear me? Don't pick up your phone
Is there a world where we can be alone?

Sneaking out, I'll try to meet you there
White lights, now we're running down the stairs
Everybody's wasted, throwing away their lives
It's all the same 'cause no one ever tries

Through all the sounds
That we're laying on the ground
Don't ever care and the rest is hidden now
How can it be that we are just the same?
Or can it be that, can it be that?

I don't wanna wait, not anymore
Well, you see right through me
I don't wanna wait, not anymore
Do you see straight through that?

I don't wanna wait, not anymore
Well, you see right through me
I don't wanna wait, not anymore

And now I see, you see right through me
And now it's real, just like a movie
And now I see, you see right through me
And now it's real, just like a movie, oh

I don't wanna wait, not anymore
Well, you see right through me
I don't wanna wait, not anymore
Do you see straight through that?

I don't wanna wait, not anymore
Well, you see right through me
I don't wanna wait, not anymore
Do you see straight through that?

Well, I don't know how anyone could wait
The weekend's up, they're trying to relate
Name: Just Like A Movie - Wallows
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 32s
File Size: 501.4 KB
Downloads: 111

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