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K. Ringtone

A captivating blend of ethereal melodies and introspective lyrics, this track evokes nostalgia and longing, drawing listeners into a heartfelt journey.

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K. - Song Lyrics

I remember when I first noticed that you liked me back
We were sitting down in a restaurant waiting for the check
We had made love earlier that day with no strings attached
But I could tell that somet

hing had changed, how you looked at me then

Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you
To slip back in bed
When you light the candle

And on the Lower East Side, you're dancing with me now
And I'm taking pictures of you with flowers on the wall
Think I like you best when you're dressed in black from head to toe
Think I like you best when you're just with me and no one else

Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you
To slip back in bed
When you light the candle

And I'm kissing you, lying in my room
Holding you until you fall asleep
And it's just as good as I knew it would be
Stay with me, I don't want you to leave

Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you
To slip back in bed
When you light the candle
Name: K. - Cigarettes After Sex
Category: Alternative
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 455.78 KB
Downloads: 5

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