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Keep On Rollin Ringtone

With a catchy melody and driving rhythm, this song exudes a sense of determination and resilience, urging listeners to persevere.

00:00 / 00:31
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Keep On Rollin - Song Lyrics


If you wanna leave
Go ahead and leave, baby
'Cause one thing that I found out
I can't have one woman, gotta have three
One woman just to hold me down
One woman just to lift me up (oh yeah)
And I

gotta at least have one woman on the side
That really don't give a fuck

So if you wanna leave, baby
Go ahead and leave, yeah
'Cause one thing that I found out
I can't have one woman, gotta have three
One woman just to hold me down
One woman just to lift me up
And I gotta at least have one woman on the side
That really don't give a fuck

If you wanna go, baby
Go ahead and walk out the door
One thing that you gotta remember
Is one monkey don't stop no show

If you wanna go, baby
Go ahead and walk out the door
One thing that you gotta remember
Is one monkey don't stop no show

This train gon' keep on rolling
Aw yeah, this thing called life
Gon' keep on going, oh yeah
This train gon' keep on rolling
Aw yeah, this thing called life
Gon' keep on going, oh yeah

So baby you can leave, yeah
But I'll never be alone
Soon as you walk right out the door
I call Kim up on the phone

Me and Kim we don't fuss and fight
With Kim I ain't never wrong
Or I might just go call Keisha
Go get my party on

See I know if I ever get hungry
And I want me something good to eat
I can pick up my phone and call Tee-Tee
She'll fix some' nice and sweet

If you wanna leave
Go ahead and leave, baby
One thing that I found out
I can't have one woman, gotta have three
One woman just to hold me down
One woman just to lift me up (oh yeah)
And I gotta at least have one woman on the side
That really don't give a fuck

So if you wanna leave, baby
Go ahead and leave, yeah
'Cause one thing that I found out
I can't have one woman, gotta have three
One woman just to hold me down
One woman just to lift me up
And I gotta at least have one woman on the side
That really don't give a fuck

If you wanna go, baby
Go ahead and walk out the door
One thing that you gotta remember
Is one monkey don't stop no show

If you wanna go, baby
Go ahead and walk out the door
One thing that you gotta remember
Is one monkey don't stop no show

This train gon' keep on rolling
Aw yeah, this thing called life
Gon' keep on going, oh yeah
This train gon' keep on rolling
Aw yeah, this thing called life
Gon' keep on going, oh yeah
Name: Keep On Rollin - King George
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 31s
File Size: 486.4 KB
Downloads: 151

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