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Mary Jane's Last Dance Ringtone

A haunting, bluesy melody sets the scene for a bittersweet tale of love, loss, and longing in Mary Jane's life.

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Mary Jane's Last Dance - Song Lyrics

She grew up in a Indiana town
Had a good-looking mama who never was around
But she grew up tall and she grew up right
With them Indiana boys on an Indiana night

Well, she moved down here, the age of Read More >>

She blew the boys away, it was more than they'd seen
I was introduced and we both started grooving
She said, "I dig you, baby, but I got to keep movin'
On, keep movin' on"

Last dance with Mary Jane
One more time to kill the pain
I feel summer creeping in
And I'm tired of this town again

Well, I don't know, but I've been told
You never slow down, you never grow old
I'm tired of screwing up, tired of going down
Tired of myself, tired of this town

Oh, my, my
Oh, hell, yes
Honey, put on that party dress
Buy me a drink, sing me a song
Take me as I come 'cause I can't stay long

Last dance with Mary Jane
One more time to kill the pain
I feel summer creeping in
I'm tired of this town again

There's pigeons down on Market Square
She's standing in her underwear
Looking down from a hotel room
The nightfall will be comin' soon

Oh, my, my
Oh, hell, yes
You got to put on that party dress
It was too cold to cry when I woke up alone
I hit my last number and walked to the road

Last dance with Mary Jane
One more time to kill the pain
I feel summer creepin' in
And I'm tired of this town again
Name: Mary Jane's Last Dance - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Category: Rock
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 25s
File Size: 392.42 KB
Downloads: 14413

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Rock Ringtones


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