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Mr. Weatherman Ringtone

A catchy, upbeat tune with a playful twist on predicting the forecast. Fun, lighthearted lyrics set to a lively melody.

00:00 / 00:30
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Download free Mr. Weatherman ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Mr. Weatherman ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Mr. Weatherman - Song Lyrics

Today I feel I'm going nowhere
But other times I go too far
And then I lose my concentration
Start to wonder where you are

I know I live for happy endings
That's the kind of girl I am
Some broken hea

rts are not worth mending
It's best to leave them where they stand, oh

Oh, please, tell me something
I want to know...

Where does the sun go, when I look out of my window?
Why does the rain fall, only when I think of you?

At times my heart beats when the wind blows
Sometimes like Cupid passes by (by...)
I told my ways escape his arrows
Which lay the teardrops in my eyes, ohhh

Oh, please, tell me something
I want to know...

Where does the sun go, when I look out of my window?
Why does the rain fall, only when I think of you?
Where does the sun go, when I look out of my window?
Why does the rain fall, only when I think of you?

The weatherman today
He said sunshine is coming my way (coming my way)
But I need April showers
To wash all my teardrops away (tear drops away...)

Where does the sun go, when I look out of my window?
Why does the rain fall, only when I think of you?
Where does the sun go, when I look out of my window?
(He said sunshine is coming my way)
Why does the rain fall, only when I think of you?
(To wash all my teardrops away, yeah-eh)
Only when I think of you (to wash all my teardrops away)
Name: Mr. Weatherman - Shaznay Lewis
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 117.67 KB
Downloads: 38

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