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No Angels Ringtone

Ethereal vocals, haunting melodies, and raw emotions blend seamlessly in this dark and mesmerizing electronic ballad. Intriguing and captivating.

00:00 / 00:29
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No Angels - Song Lyrics

Silhouette of a shadow
We are all one and the same
Our conversations are shallow
There's so little to say

If I lose it all (lose it all) all over again (again)
Then I, I would fall (I would fall) I'm Read More >>

a slave through my sins

Got the devil on my shoulder, no angels around
And by the time it's over, I know I won't be proud
I'm burning all my bridges, burn them to the ground
And all of my decisions, can't answer for 'em now (for 'em now)

I've been living my life on the edge 'cause I've been walking the line
And I've been losing my friends
'Cause they say that I've been changing my ways
And that I should be ashamed 'cause I'm no longer the same

If I lose it all (lose it all) all over again (again)
Then I, I would fall (I would fall), I'ma slave through my sins

Got the devil on my shoulder, no angels around
And by the time it's over, I know I won't be proud
I'm burning all my bridges, burn them to the ground
And all of my decisions, can't answer for 'em now (for 'em now)

Got the devil on my shoulder
Got the devil on my shoulder
Got the devil on my shoulder
Got the devil on my shoulder
Name: No Angels - Stellar
Category: Pop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 455.78 KB
Downloads: 151

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Pop Ringtones


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