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Nuvve Naku Lokam Ringtone

A heartfelt melody that beautifully captures the essence of love, longing, and connection, evoking deep emotions through its enchanting rhythms.

00:00 / 00:31
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Download free Nuvve Naku Lokam ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Nuvve Naku Lokam ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Nuvve Naku Lokam - Song Lyrics

Oo saarainaa choodave
Undipove undipove
Vintaavaa naa maatane
Undipove undipove
Manase irukai naligaa nene
Gadhilo nuvvu leka
Niduraa kudhuru chedhirepoye
Nuvvilaa vadhilaaka
Anukonelede naalaa nuv ka

Thalape raalede
Neevainam nee nunde
Nene neeku sontam
Nee meede naa pranam
Pone pode ee bandham
Nuvve naaku lokam
Nuvvunte santosham
Nuvve leka ne soonyam
Komma veru bandhame idi
Puvve poosi ninnu nannu
Vere chesindi
Kashtamunnaa telike mari
Tode nuvve unnaavante
Daatestaa nadi
Nannu nammedhi okka nuvvele
Nuvvu vellave
O maate ichhi thappaane
Oppukuntaane kantaa kanneere
Mallee raaneene
Inkko avakaasam ichhesi vachhey ve

Nene neeku sontham
Nee meede naa pranam
Pone pode ee bandham
Nuvve naaku lokam
Nuvvunte santhosham
Nuvve leka ne soonyam

Oo saarainaa choodave
Undipove undipove
Vintaavaa naa maatane
Undipove undipove
Manase irukai naligaa nene
Gadilo nuvvu leka
Niduraa kuduru chedirepoye
Nuvvilaa vadilaaka
Anukonelede naalaa nuv kaade
Thalape raalede
Neevainam nee nunde

Thaanaa naane naane
Thaanaa naane naane
Thaane naane thaanaane
Thaanaa naane naane
Thaanaa naane naane
Thaane naane thaanaane
Name: Nuvve Naku Lokam - Anudeep Dev, Karthik & Krishna Kanth
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 31s
File Size: 486.4 KB
Downloads: 191

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