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Ready or Not Ringtone

This song is a classic hip-hop piece from the 90s that was used as the soundtrack for the PUBG game. Its unique rhythm and popular melody add a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere to the game.

00:00 / 00:26
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Ready or Not - Song Lyrics

Ready or not, Here I come, You can't hide
Gonna find you, and take it slowly
Ready or not, Here I come, You can't hide
Gonna find you, and make you want me

Now that I escape sleep walk away
Those who

could relate know the world is not cake
Jails bars ain't golden gates
Those who fake they break when they meet their 400 pound, mate
If I could rule the world
Everyone would have a gun in the ghetto of course
Getting on that horse
I kick around drinking moon shine
I poor a sip on the concrete, for the deceased
But no don't weep, I been in a state of sleep
Thinking about the robbery that I did last week
Money in the bag, banker looked like a drag
I wanna play with pelicans from here to Baghdad
Gun blast, think fast, I think I'm hit
My girl pinched my hips to see if I still exist
I think not, I'll send a letter to my friends
A born again, hooligan only to be king again

Ready or not, Here I come, You can't hide
Gonna find you, and take it slowly
Ready or not, Here I come, You can't hide
Gonna find you, and make you want me

I play my enemies like a game of chess
Where I rest no stress if you don't smoke sess, lest
I must confess my destiny's manifest
In some gortex and sweats I make tracks like I'm homeless
Rap orgies with Porgy and Bess
Capture your bounty like Eliot Ness, yes
Bless you, if you represent the Fu
But I'll hex you, with some witches brew if you do-do Voodoo, I could what you do.
Easy, believe me, fronting gives me heebe-geebes
So, why you imitating Al Capone,
I'll be Nina Simone and defacating on your microphone

Ready or not, Here I come, You can't hide
Gonna find you, and take it slowly
Ready or not, Here I come, You can't hide
Gonna find you, and make you want me

You can't run away from these styles I got
Oh baby, hey baby, because I got a lot, oh yeah...
And anywhere you go, my whole crew's gonna know
Oh baby, hey baby, you can't hide from the block, oh no.

Ready or not, Here I come, You can't hide
Gonna find you, and take it slowly
Ready or not, Here I come, You can't hide
Gonna find you, and make you want me
Name: Ready or Not - The Fray
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 26s
File Size: 407.93 KB
Downloads: 13

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