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Second Best Ringtone

Melancholic guitar riffs weave through haunting vocals, capturing raw vulnerability and heartache in a bittersweet ballad of longing.

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Second Best - Song Lyrics

I'll never forget how stupid in love I felt
I'll always regret how I couldn't ever tell
That you walked a little faster, left me behind
Kissed me with somebody else in mind
I loved you so much that I

settled for less

Oh, you were my everything
I was your second best
Hmm (ahh)

Lying awake, I'd watch as you'd dream at night (dream at night)
Nightingale singing half-hearted lullabies (oh)
Well, you swung me around in that midsummer dance (oh)
Held me in close as you thought of your past
I love way too much, oh, this hurts to confess (oh)

Oh, you were my everything
I was your second best

You've given me nothing to miss
Honestly, life has been much better since I spoke to you last
Why am I still wondering
If I stand a chance or if you'd have me back?

Everyone warned me you were a bad idea
I never listen
Maybe I will next year
When I've walked a little further into my life
Fallen in love and left you behind
But I'm still a little in love with this mess

Oh, you were my everything
I'm just your second best, hmm
Second best
Name: Second Best - Laufey
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 28s
File Size: 438.95 KB
Downloads: 41

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