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Soul to Squeeze Ringtone

Smooth guitar riffs and melancholic lyrics create a soulful, introspective vibe in this emotional ballad about longing and loss.

00:00 / 00:31
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Soul to Squeeze - Song Lyrics

I got a bad disease
Out from my brain is where I bleed
Insanity it seems
Has got me by my soul to squeeze
With all the love from me
With all the dyin' trees, I scream
The angels in my dream, yeah

turned to demons of greed, that's mean

Where I go, I just don't know
I got to, got to, gotta take it slow
When I find my peace of mind
I'm gonna give you some of my good time

Today love smiled on me
He took away my pain, said, "Please"
"I'll let your ride be free"
"You gotta let it be, oh, yeah"

Where I go, I just don't know
I got to, gotta, gotta take it slow
When I find my peace of mind
I'm gonna give ya some of my good time


Oh, so polite indeed
Well, I got everything I need
I'll make my days a breeze
And take away my self-destruction

It's bitter baby and it's very sweet
Holy rollercoaster, but I'm on my feet
Take me to the river, let me on your shore
I'll be comin' back maybe, I'll be comin' back for more
Doo-doo dingle zing a dong bone
Ba-di ba-da ba-zumba crunga cong gone bad
I could not forget, but I will not endeavor
Simple pleasures are much better but I won't regret it never

Where I go, I just don't know
I got to, got to, gotta take it slow
When I find my peace of mind
I'm gonna give you some of my good time

Where I go, I just don't know
I might end up somewhere in Mexico
When I find my peace of mind
I'm gonna keep ya for the end of time
Name: Soul to Squeeze - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Category: Alternative
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 31s
File Size: 485.89 KB
Downloads: 7873

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