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Southern Accents Ringtone

Smooth guitar riffs, heartfelt lyrics, and a touch of nostalgia capture the essence of the Southern way of life.

00:00 / 00:33
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Southern Accents - Song Lyrics

There's a southern accent, where I come from
The young'uns call it country
The yankees call it dumb
I got my own way of talkin'
But everything is done. with a southern accent
Where I come from-

Now t

hat drunk tank in Atlanta's
Just a motel room to me
Think I might go work Orlando
If them orange groves don't freeze
I got my own way of workin'
But everything is run. with a southern accent
Where I come from-

For just a minute there I was dreaming
For just a minute it were all so real
For just a minute she was standing there. with me

There's a dream I keep having
Where my mama comes to me
And she kneels down over by the window
And says a prayer for me
I got my own way of prayin'
But everyone's begun
With a southern accent
Where I come from-

I got my own way of livin'
But everything gets done
With southern accent
Where I come from
Name: Southern Accents - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 33s
File Size: 517.32 KB
Downloads: 58

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