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Spin You Around Ringtone

A catchy pop-rock tune with infectious energy and upbeat melodies that will make you want to dance all night long.

00:00 / 00:27
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Spin You Around - Song Lyrics

I've been lookin' at you from across the room
'Bout time I got my nerve
And you might tell me, "Boy, hell no"
But hell, what can hurt?
'Cause I just wanna spin you 'round and 'round this dance floor

et you drunk on a love like mine
Might wind up and steal a couple kisses
Get your digits if I can find the right line
Well you don't do feelings, but, baby, if you're willin'
I'ma do my best to change your mind
'Cause the way you stole my heart without a sign
Girl, it oughta be a crime

Got a pretty good feelin' I'm takin' you home
Gonna love you with all I got
But before we slip out into the night
I just want one more shot
To take your hand and spin you 'round and 'round this dance floor
Get you drunk on a love like mine
Might wind up and steal a couple kisses
Get your digits if I can find the right line
Well you don't do feelings, but, baby, if you're willin'
I'ma do my best to change your mind
'Cause the way you stole my heart without a sign
Girl, it oughta be a crime

I've fought in some bars, broken some hearts
Ain't never done nothin' this bad
Yeah, with one look at me, you became my disease
They don't make no cure for that
And I just wanna spin you 'round and 'round this dance floor
Get you drunk on a love like mine
Might wind up and steal a couple kisses
Get your digits if I can find the right line
Well you don't do feelings, but, baby, if you're willin'
I'ma do my best to change your mind
'Cause the way you stole my heart without a sound
Yeah, the way you stole my heart without a sign
Girl, it oughta be a crime
I just wanna spin you 'round tonight
I just wanna spin you 'round
Name: Spin You Around - Morgan Wallen
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 27s
File Size: 423.44 KB
Downloads: 362

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