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The Abyss Ringtone

Dive into haunting melodies and introspective lyrics that evoke feelings of longing, despair, and the search for hope in darkness.

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The Abyss - Song Lyrics

I can feel the energy
The changes in my chemistry
The atmosphere, the way I breathe
My automatic action is
To close my eyes and wander in
And wait until the madness ends
Lost communication with the wo

rld outside
I fall into my own
Into the abyss

Lost inside my head
I open up the door
Step right off the ledge
Into the abyss
Nothing that I know
I can't hear what you say
Am I already dead?
Into the abyss

Looking through distorted eyes
A mirror that I can't recognize
No way out, no exit signs
I try to make myself believe
I'm only in a lucid dream
It's like another world exists
I wanna go back
Into the abyss

Lost inside my head
I open up the door
Step right off the ledge
Into the abyss
Nothing that I know
I can't hear what you say
Am I already dead?
Into the abyss

Lost communication with the world outside
So much devastation in my world I hide
I fall into my own
Into the abyss

Lost inside my head
Cracks across the floor
Step right off the ledge

Into the abyss
Nothing that I know
I can't hear what you say
Am I already dead?
Into the abyss
Name: The Abyss - Three Days Grace
Category: Dance
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 456.6 KB
Downloads: 1

The Abyss Related Ringtones

Dance Ringtones


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