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Error Of The World Ringtone

A haunting melody of despair and defiance, blending melancholy vocals with powerful instrumentals, capturing the pain of a broken world.

00:00 / 00:30
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Error Of The World - Song Lyrics

Entering this new age
Hidden in a flower face
Spiraling to nothing (I gave it all)
Take my life I can't control it

No way to coexist
We're the error of the world
And we get what we deserve
Waiting to

be heard

Or salvation to return
Error of the world
I've forgotten love is pure
And forgotten what for

No way to let go
Let go
Connected in a new way
But from ourselves, we separate (What should I believe?)

Because I entered dreaming and returned haunted
This is my life but you control it
No way to coexist
We're the error of the world

And we get what we deserve
Waiting to be heard
Or salvation to return
Error of the world

I've forgotten love is pure
And forgotten what for
Become broken
The world is poison

Search the sky
For a future sign
Let go of all the lies
And start my own decline

Let go and feel all of the hurt
Let go and give it to the Earth
Let go like it's your final words
Just waiting to be

Let go and feel all of the hurt
Let go and give it to the Earth
Let go like it's your final words
Just waiting to be heard
Name: Error Of The World - Modern Error
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.97 KB
Downloads: 2

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