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Never Seen The World Ringtone

A haunting melody filled with melancholy lyrics and ethereal vocals, transporting listeners to a world of heartbreak and longing.

00:00 / 00:27
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Never Seen The World - Song Lyrics

I've been down this road a thousand times
I've never seen it like this
I haven't seen the sunshine in a while
But I do right now
I can see for miles like I never could
I don't need to look back

it'll never be half as good
As it is right now

Why don't we just stay a while and waste a little time?
Listen to the radio and hold each other tight
Talk about whatever, everything under the moon
I've never seen the world, I've never seen the world
The way I see it with you

There's something in the air
There's something in your touch
You set my heart on fire
Oh, I'm gonna burn up
Before I get enough

So why don't we just stay a while and waste a little time?
Listen to the radio and hold each other tight
Talk about whatever, everything under the moon
I've never seen the world, I've never seen the world
The way I see it with you

You're rose-colored glasses
That I love looking through
You're the moment before it passes
That I keep holding onto

So why don't we just stay a while and waste a little time?
Listen to the radio and hold each other tight
Talk about whatever, everything under the moon
I've never seen the world, I've never seen the world
The way I see it with you, mmm
The way I see it with you
Name: Never Seen The World - Alex Hall
Category: Alternative
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 27s
File Size: 423.44 KB
Downloads: 12

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