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Hall of Fame Ringtone

The song conveys praise for persistence and hard work, and the collaboration between the two authors presents an inspiring piece of music.

00:00 / 00:30
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Hall of Fame - Song Lyrics

Yeah, you could be the greatest, you can be the best
You can be the King Kong bangin' on your chest
You can beat the world, you could win the war
You can talk to God, go bangin' on his door
You can th

row your hands up, you can beat the clock
You can move a mountain, you can break rocks
Some will call it practice, some will call it luck
But either way, you're going to the history books

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You can go the distance, you can run the mile
You can walk straight through hell with a smile
You can be a hero, you can get the gold
Breaking all the records they thought would never be broke
Yeah, do it for your people, do it for your pride
How're you ever gonna know if you never even try?
Do it for your country, do it for your name
'Cause there gonna be a day when you're

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be students, be teachers
Be politicians, be preachers (yeah, yeah)
Be believers, be leaders
Be astronauts, be champions, be truth-seekers
Be students, be teachers
Be politicians, be preachers (yeah, yeah)
Be believers, be leaders
Be astronauts, be champions

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (oh-whoa)
And the world's gonna know your name (oh, yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Yeah, you could be the greatest, you can be the best
You can be the King Kong bangin' on your chest
You can beat the world, you could win the war
You can talk to God, go bangin' on his door
You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock
You can move a mountain, you can break rocks
Some will call it practice, some will call it luck
But either way, you're going to the history books, hey
I'm standing in the hall of fame
Name: Hall of Fame - The Script & will.i.am
Category: Pop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.56 KB
Downloads: 62166

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