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Keep It Up Ringtone

With its infectious beat and uplifting lyrics, this song exudes confidence and determination, urging listeners to persevere and succeed.

00:00 / 00:23
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Keep It Up - Song Lyrics

She leaves her phone in the middle of every dark room
She fills her nose up a little right on the bathroom floor

Oh, slow down
I think this shit is killing your brain
She said, "It's hard to explain

But babe, I think we feel the same kind of way"

Well, give it up
Baby, just give it away
She don't ever wanna stop
Never wanna stop doing her thing
Well, keep it up, keep it up
Keep riding the wave
Oh, baby, keep it up
Baby, keep it up
Riding the wave

Over obsessive with every second, a waste of time
She gets aggressive the very second she takes that line

Well, calm down, I hate to see that look on your face
She said it's hard to escape
But girl, I think you've gotta give it a break

Well, give it up
Oh, baby, just give it away
She don't ever wanna stop
Never wanna stop doing her thing
Well, keep it up, keep it up
Keep riding the wave
Oh, baby, keep it up
Baby, keep it up
Riding the wave

Move slow, I don't wanna get in your way
Well the words in your mouth so cool, but I'd rather be kissing your waist, oh
She said, "Baby boy, I don't think I'm feeling my face"
Well, don't go
Please don't make me beg you to stay

Well, give it up
Oh, baby, just give it away
She don't ever wanna stop
Never wanna stop doing her thing
Well, keep it up, keep it up
Keep riding the wave
Oh, baby, keep it up
Baby, keep it up
Riding the wave
Name: Keep It Up - Chase Atlantic
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 23s
File Size: 365.89 KB
Downloads: 31

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