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One Love Ringtone

Reggae rhythms, uplifting melody, and heartfelt lyrics come together in this anthem of unity, peace, and love for all.

00:00 / 00:31
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One Love - Song Lyrics

It's kinda funny
How life can change
Can flip 180 in a matter of days
Sometimes love works in
Mysterious ways
One day you wake up
Gone without a trace

I refuse to give up
I refuse to give in
You're m

y everything
I don't wanna give up
I don't wanna give in
So everybody sing

One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive
I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need

Late at night I'm still wide awake
Feelin' this is one more
Than I can take
I thought my heart could
Never break(never break)
Now I know that's one big mistake

I refuse to give up
I refuse to give in
You're my everything
I don't wanna give up
I don't wanna give in
So everybody sing

One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive
I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need

Baby just love me love me love me
Baby just hold me hold me hold me
Love me love me love me oh yeah (one love)
Baby just love me love me love me
Baby just hold me hold me hold me
Oh Love me love me love me(oh oh)

One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive
I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need

One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive
I will survive
One love (one love)for the city streets
One love (one love.)for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need
Name: One Love - Blue
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 31s
File Size: 485.89 KB
Downloads: 4325

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